I am a transgender queer woman (she/they), learning how to live her best life. Curious, thoughtful, and courageous. A listener of heart, spirit, and soul. A follower of Love in all her forms and energies. Editor of Modern Women, Identity Current and Transpiring. A dancer of dreams, singer of songs, and writer of words. Music maker, image creator, and Baby Poet... ✨

Also, as we are recently out as plural, you may see more articles coming forward about this, and our system, as well as guest writes by some of our members...

What to expect from me? Well, my writing, like me, is eclectic. You're as likely to get a transition story as a poem. Becoming me is my primary goal, and over time we will all get to see how that manifests in my writing.




✨Fictional Writing






Transpiring Owner/EditorModern Women Editor   As far as a schedule goes, I’m currently doing poetry work on the weekends, which you will see Sunday-Monday, and a trans update mid-week (starting). But I get inspired all the time, so you may see other work during the week in the form of shout-outs, projects, or creative writing (my next spin-up). There will also be the odd-writing prompt… - Your friend, Jenny ✨

*I'm working with Medium on this, since the algorithm took me back off as a top poetry writer, but take a peek at them anyway, they carry my heart's story with them...✨

Medium member since October 2021
Connect with Jenny Starr✨
Jenny Starr✨

Jenny Starr✨

A transgender woman (she/they) learning her way in this beautiful life…queer, curious, thoughtful. I write poetry, LGBTQ and whatever else stirs my spirit...