Jenny Starr✨

Jul 4, 2022

31 stories

MIDFORM Writing Challenge

June 30th: What makes you happy?
June 29th: You just won 44 billion dollars, tax-free. What do you do with it?
June 28th: Does correct spelling and grammar matter in a text message or email?
June 27th: Do you keep a diary or journal? Why, or why not?
June 26th: Write a Haiku (see link for instructions) about Summer
June 25th: What was the first movie you can remember seeing in a Movie Theater?
June 24th: What songs are on your favorite playlist? Why those in particular?
June 23rd: Are you the same person on social media as you are in real life?
June 22nd: What’s your favorite way to relieve stress?
June 21st: Create your own prompt for today :D
June 20th: What would you do if you had unlimited time and no restrictions?
June 19th: What do you collect?
June 18th: You meet your soul mate. What are they like?
June 17th: What skill could you teach someone in 10 minutes or less?
June 16th: Write a letter to give to yourself 5 years from now.
Give us a short book report about the book you love the most.
Do you want to write a book? If yes, what’s it going to be about? If no, why not?
June 13th: What are you most proud of in your life so far? Tell us about it.
June 12th: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done because of peer pressure?
Jenny Starr✨

Jenny Starr✨

A transgender woman (she/they) learning her way in this beautiful life…queer, curious, thoughtful. I write poetry, LGBTQ and whatever else stirs my spirit...