Jenny Starr✨
Everything Shortform
Feb 7, 2022

Olympics are on and so is my gender dysphoria!!! Women’s ice skating is my jam! But this time I found myself watching with such a longing to be on the ice, to be graceful and beautiful and tiny (I’m 6'2" so nearly all the cis-gals are short to me)… hurts so good!!! This is huge for me, because last year this would have been a spiral into self-doubt and body image hatred…Progress!!!

The good news is that I’m more determined than ever to push ahead and to find me! Because even if I never hit the ice (let alone a triple axle!) am still beautiful! And I won’t stop until I shout it to the world… “I am me and I am free!!!”



Jenny Starr✨
Everything Shortform

A transgender woman (she/they) learning her way in this beautiful life…queer, curious, thoughtful. I write poetry, LGBTQ and whatever else. Come away with me!