Poetry Battle Highlights

For the week of September 15th, 2023

Jenny Starr✨
6 min readSep 18, 2023


Image by Athena and licensed via Canva Pro

Note: Please be sure to read this important announcement related to Move Me Poetry’s future and to encourage you to participate in our last two battles for September…

When we were kids, the Polaroid camera was the “magic box” of image-making. Before we had smartphones and social media, there were Polaroids and picture walls. I had inherited a film camera from my folks, and I used to love taking pictures and the mystery of the development process (which I got to smell first-hand when I was taking art classes in college, and then tried to make a darkroom in my walk-in closet — ventilation is a must!!!) We would send the roll of film in and wait a week to get it back (no “quickie photo labs”).

But Polaroids were magic! They transformed before your eyes from a white sheet of plastic and emulsion to a finished picture in a matter of minutes. Watching those colours appear was amazing! But they were often blurry, and the…



Jenny Starr✨

A transgender woman (she/they) learning her way in this beautiful life…queer, curious, thoughtful. I write poetry, LGBTQ and whatever else stirs my spirit...